Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Around the Dioceses - 2011

A summary of what;s happening in the Dioceses of the CBCMSB as of August 2011:

Reports of Dioceses

1 Diocese of Sibu: Bishop Joseph Hii has been promoting Bible reading based on Time Line concept over a period of 12 months. The people responded well and some commented that it helped them to understand the readings at Mass better. Fr. Michael Lee and Fr. Philip Hu were still having Matthew in their parishes. Fr. Alphonsus has yet to decide on the third round of BCL.

2 Archdiocese of Singapore: BCL was still on. 22 parishes had their own Bible programmes like video based Bible courses and getting speakers to give Bible talk. Many were requesting for Matthew. The Pastoral Institute has finished Isaiah and would begin with the Gospel of John.

3 Diocese of Keningau: Mr. Fredoline said that more groups especially among the catechumens were asking for BBS. BCL was expected to finish by this year and Msgr Gilbert was still busy translating some of the course materials. The Bible apostolate was asked to take charge of Alpha. KK has requested Msgr Gilbert and Mr. Fredoline to conduct Alpha in BM.

4  Apostolate Vicariate of Brunei: Bishop Cornelius reported that they were having the Bible course on Psalms and Church History. They have finished Genesis 1-11. One parish was on Mark. Fr. Andy Lee gave a session of Basic Bible Study.

5 Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu: Mr. Richard reported that Deacon Sheman gave a seminar on Part one of “Splendor of Truth” on 12-14th May, 2011 and would give the second part on 22-24th September, 2011. Fr. Ambrose gave “the Gospel of John” on 22-30 June, 2011.The Great Adventure on James, Pearl for wise living, was still on-going from 7th June to 23rd August, 2011. On November 18-20, 2011 Fr. Jery would give “Life in the Word” retreat.

6 Archdiocese of Kuching: Msgr William reported that BCL in English would have the 5th Module: Luke/Acts in September, 2011. Salvation History by Mr. Christopher Adrian was still on since March with around 50 participants. Chinese Little Rock completed Acts in May, 2011 and was on Exodus since the end of July. There were around 30 participants. A parish had the Great Adventure of Jeff Cavins for 175 participants.

7 Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur: Fr. Gerard informed the meeting that under 20 candidates sat for the BCL course exam on 2nd July, 2011. The Archdiocese had no plan to organize another round of BCL. Msgr James Gnanapiragasam was looking into adapting the 100 weeks Bible course into shorter modules as his experience was that many were unwilling to commit to a long course or give up half way. Various Bible courses as usual were being conducted in the parishes.

Archbishop John Ha informed the meeting that SPC, Kuching had just organized a week study on “Verbum Domini” for the priests.  The responses from the priests  were generally positive.