Bible Sunday Message – 2011
Verbum Domini – The Word of the Lord
Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Exhortation after the XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Word of God (held from 5 to 26 October 2008) was published on 30 September 2010. Entitled Verbum Domini (The Word of the Lord) it gives a theology of the Word of God and goes into the relevance and importance of the Word for the Church’s life and ministry and for her mission to the world as well. At its meeting in February this year, the Regional Biblical Commission (RBC) decided to dedicate the annual Bible Sunday message to this document. Because of its richness, the RBC would spread its coverage of the document over the next few years.
Continuity With The Past
The Post-Synodal Exhortation Verbum Domini was published in continuity with two other documents: Sacramentum Caritatis and Dei Verbum. The former is Pope Benedict’s Exhortation after the XI Synod of Bishops – the Synod on “The Eucharist as the Source and Summit of the Church’s Life and Mission.” The Pope affirms the continuity between the two Synods, since Word and Eucharist are inseparable foundations of the Church and lie at the very heart of the Christian life. Dei Verbum, that is, the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, is one of the sixteen documents of the Second Vatican Council which took place over three years – from 1962 to 1965. This document gives the Church’s teaching on the Word of God. The Pope sees it as the culmination of a “crescendo of interventions” by the Church’s Magisterium “aimed at an increased awareness of the importance of the word of God and the study of the Bible in the life of the Church” (VD 3).
Unity In Plurality Of Meanings
Between its Introduction and Conclusion, the Post-Synodal Exhortation, Verbum Domini. has three parts: 1. “Verbum Dei” (Word of God); 2. “Verbum in Ecclesia” (The Word in the Church); 3. “Verbum Mundo” (The Word to/for the World). The Exhortation affirms and explores the manifold aspect of the Word of God. For this year’s Bible Sunday, our message chooses to touch on the plurality of meanings of the word of God, all held together in unity by the Word of God. This word of God comes to all humankind because God in His infinite love wants to dialogue with them to invite them to share in His life and love. In striking this dialogue with humankind, the eternal God “condescended” to the level of finite humankind.
As revealed in the Prologue of John’s Gospel (Jn. 1:1-18), God’s condescension reached its depth in the incarnation. The eternal Word of God took on human flesh and dwelt in the midst of all humankind. The Word of God made man is Jesus Christ, “born of woman” (Gal. 4:4) and the woman was the Blessed Virgin Mary. The whole purpose of the incarnation was to enable man to grasp God’s Word who “became small enough to fit into a manger; He became a child, so that the word could be grasped by us” (VD 12).
Jesus Christ the Word of God holds all the various meanings of the word of God reflected in creation and history. Prior to the incarnation, all creation came into being through the eternal Word of God. It was through Him that “all things were created; and without Him was not anything made that was made” (Jn. 1:3). This is presented in the story of creation in Gen. 1. Indeed, then, creation truly speaks God’s word.
Following creation, history also became a way in which God communicated with humankind. God did this because of the unique and singular position occupied by man in creation, which was founded on the fact that God had created him in His own image and likeness (Gen. 1:27). Man was gifted with reason, freedom and conscience. From this reality flows an important corollary: man is guided by the natural law which is written on his heart (cf. Rom. 2:15; 7:23). Natural law then is also a form of God’s word. It finds its fulfillment by the law of the Gospel given by Jesus Christ.
God’s image and likeness in human beings enable them to encounter Him in history. Two historical events are singled out here: (i) God’s covenant with Abraham; and (ii) His covenant with the race of Israel (Abraham’s descendants) mediated through Moses. Events in history were a learning experience for Israel. Through them, they discovered God dealing with them and through them with the entire humankind. In these historical events, God communicated with them and invited them into a relationship with Him. In this relationship He made them His own people and chose to be their God.
In order to help His people understand more fully and more clearly His communication of love with them through events in history, God gave them prophets. These were God’s “spokesmen”, bearers of God’s word to His people. Prophetic messages were human but inspired expressions of God’s word calling the people back to covenantal relationship with Him. They explain the meaning of creation and history as forms of God’s word. They couch the word of God in human language.
Word Incarnate, Crucified And Risen
The Old Testament provides ample evidence of God’s word communicated through creation, event (history) and human words. But all these different expressions of God’s word are incomplete in themselves. They find their full meaning only in Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God made flesh. The incarnate Word is “an unprecedented and humanly inconceivable novelty”, “the definitive word which God speaks to humanity” (VD 11). He is the force of unity of all the various forms of expressions or meanings of God’s word. “In a perfect way, He hears, embodies and communicates to us the word of God” (VD 12).
Jesus, the incarnate Word of God, exhausted His communication with humankind at His death on the Cross. There, He held nothing of what it [He] had to tell us”. There He was “revealed as the word of the new and everlasting covenant” (DV 12) and accomplished our definitive salvation. Following His death on the Cross, Jesus rose from the dead. This was His victory over death. His resurrection “took place through the creative power of the word of God” (DV 13). With it, a new creation now came about.
Christ’s death on the Cross and His resurrection on the third day took place “in accordance with the Scriptures”. This means that Christ, the incarnate, crucified and risen Word of God fulfills all Scriptures and embraces all the different meanings of the word of God. This also means God’s plan of salvation for all humankind came to be fulfilled by Jesus Christ.
Word In Living Tradition Of The Church
The Scriptures reveal that in the fulfilment of the divine plan of salvation, the Holy Spirit was at work. Indeed the Holy Spirit was present in salvation history and in the life of Jesus – from His conception to His death (DV 15). In fact, it is thanks to the Holy Spirit that the word of God is expressed in human words. For He inspired sacred authors to commit the word of God to writing. Upon His resurrection, Christ sent the Holy Spirit upon His apostles gathered in prayer with Mary on the day of Pentecost. As a result of this outpouring of the Spirit on them, these apostles were empowered to carry out the mission Christ had given them to preach the good news of God’s kingdom. Faithful to their Lord and Master, they proclaimed what they themselves had received from the teachings and works of Christ, and indeed from His way of life. Through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, they also proclaimed what they had come to understand of all that they had received from Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the apostles handed on all these realities that they had received by their oral preaching, by their example and by their ordinances. What they passed on gave birth to what we call Tradition of the Church. This Tradition of apostolic origin lives on by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is “essential for enabling the Church to grow through time in the understanding of the truth revealed in the Scriptures” (VD 17). The Constitution on Divine Revelation affirms, “By means of the same Tradition, the full canon of the sacred books is known to the Church and the holy Scriptures themselves are more thoroughly understood and constantly made effective in the Church” (DV 8). The Apostolic Exhortation goes on to stress the importance of properly teaching and training the People of God “to approach the sacred Scriptures in relation to the Church’s living Tradition and to recognize in them the very word of God” (VD 18).
The word of God takes on different forms of expression in the sacred Scriptures. But in the final analysis God speaks only one single Word in Jesus Christ. In Him God reveals Himself fully to all humankind. In Him God invites every human person to communion with Himself. In Him, therefore, it is possible for every human person to enter into communion with God and share in His life. Today, the Church continues His mission of proclaiming the Word of God to all humankind and inviting them to a life of communion with God and share in His life.
The one Word of God was communicated in multiple forms within the grasp of all human creatures of God created in His image and likeness. He became flesh in order to break into the company of all humankind. The role of the Holy Spirit in all this must be acknowledged. In fact, today, the Word of God lives among all men through the Holy Spirit and continues to be proclaimed in and by the community of disciples of Jesus Christ the Word of God made flesh, crucified and risen. On these grounds, Verbum Domini confidently reiterates what Dei Verbum affirms: “Indeed, the word of God is given to us in sacred Scriptures as an inspired testimony to revelation; together with the Church’s living Tradition, it constitutes the supreme rule of faith” (VD 18; DV 21).
Questions For Reflection
The following two questions are intended to help readers to do a recapitulation of the Bible Sunday message.
1. Down through the ages God spoke one word in many words. How did He do it?
2. The one word spoken by God is not dead, but “living and active” (Heb 4:12) even to our day and until the end of time. How?
Pesan Hari Minggu Alkitab 2011
Verbum Domini - Firman Tuhan
Gesaan Apostolik Paus Benedict XVI selepas Persidangan Umum Biasa XII Sinode para Uskup tentang Firman Tuhan (yang diadakan pada 5-26 Oktober 2008) telah diterbitkan pada tarikh 30 September 2010. Berjudul Verbum Domini (Firman Tuhan) memberikan suatu teologi tentang Firman Tuhan dan memberi perkaitan dan kepentingan Firman di dalam kehidupan dan pelayanan Gereja serta misinya kepada dunia. Pada pertemuan di bulan Februari tahun ini, Komisi Alkitab Wilayah (RBC) memutuskan untuk mendedikasikan Pesan Hari Minggu Alkitab tahunan ke dalam dokumen ini. Kerana kekayaannya, RBC akan menyebarkan liputan dokumen ini selama beberapa tahun yang akan datang.
Kesinambungan Dari Masa Lalu
Gesaan sesudah Sinode Verbum Domini diterbitkan dalam kesinambungan dengan dua dokumen lain: Sacramentum Caritatis dan Dei Verbum. Dokumen yang pertama adalah Gesaan Paus Benedict selepas Sinode Para Uskup XI - Sinode tentang “Ekaristi adalah Sumber dan Puncak Kehidupan dan Misi Gereja.” Paus menegaskan kesinambungan antara dua Sinode, kerana Firman dan Ekaristi adalah dasar kepada Gereja yang tidak terpisahkan dan terletak di tengah-tengah kehidupan Kristian. Dei Verbum, yakni, Konstitusi Dogmatik tentang Wahyu Ilahi, adalah salah satu daripada enam belas dokumen Konsili Vatikan II yang berlangsung selama tiga tahun - 1962-1965. Dokumen ini memberikan ajaran Gereja tentang Firman Tuhan. Paus melihatnya sebagai puncak dari “kemuncak campur tangan” oleh magisterium Gereja (Kuasa Mengajar Gereja) “yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran akan betapa pentingnya firman Tuhan dan mempelajari Alkitab dalam kehidupan Gereja” (VD 3).
Kesatuan Dalam Kepelbagaian Makna
Antara Pengenalan dan Kesimpulannya, yang Gesaan sesudah Sinode, Verbum Domini. mempunyai tiga bahagian: 1. “Dei Verbum” (Firman Tuhan); 2. “Verbum in Ecclesia” (Firman di dalam Gereja); 3. “Verbum Mundo” (Firman kepada/untuk Dunia).Gesaan ini mengukuhkan dan menjelajah kepelbagaian aspek dari Firman Tuhan. Untuk pesan Minggu Alkitab tahun ini, pesan kami memilih untuk menyentuh tentang kepelbagaian makna dari firman Tuhan, semua disatukan dalam kesatuan dengan Firman Tuhan. Firman Tuhan ini datang kepada seluruh umat manusia kerana Tuhan dalam kasih-Nya yang tak terbatas ingin berdialog dengan mereka untuk mengajak mereka untuk berkongsi dalam hidup dan cinta kasih-Nya. Dalam mengadakan dialog ini dengan manusia, Tuhan yang kekal “menjadi rendah” ke tahap manusia yang fana.
Seperti dinyatakan di dalam Prolog Injil Yohanes (Yoh. 1:1-18), perendahan Tuhan mencapai kedalamannya di dalam inkarnasi. Firman Tuhan yang kekal menjadi manusia dan diam di tengah-tengah seluruh umat manusia. Firman Tuhan yang menjadi manusia adalah Yesus Kristus, “lahir dari seorang wanita” (Galatia 4:4) dan wanita itu adalah Santa Perawan Maria. Tujuan keseluruhan inkarnasi ini adalah untuk membolehkan manusia untuk memahami Firman Tuhan yang “menjadi cukup kecil untuk ditempatkan ke dalam palungan, Dia menjadi anak, sehingga firman itu dapat difahami oleh kita” (VD 12).
Firman Dalam Penciptaan, Sejarah dan Nabianisme
Yesus Kristus Sang Firman Tuhan merangkum semua kepelbagaian makna firman Tuhan yang tercermin dalam penciptaan dan sejarah. Sebelum inkarnasi, semua ciptaan menjadi wujud melalui Firman Tuhan yang kekal. Adalah melalui Dia bahawa “Segala sesuatu dijadikan oleh Dia dan tanpa Dia tidak ada suatu pun yang telah jadi dari segala yang telah dijadikan” (Yoh. 1:3). Ini disampaikan dalam cerita penciptaan dalam Kej 1. Sesungguhnya, penciptaan benar-benar membicarakan firman Tuhan.
Sesudah Penciptaan, sejarah juga menjadi cara Tuhan berkomunikasi dengan manusia. Tuhan melakukan ini kerana kedudukan tunggal dan unik yang dimiliki oleh manusia dalam penciptaan, yang didasarkan pada kenyataan bahawa Tuhan telah menciptakan dia dalam gambar dan rupa-Nya sendiri (Kej 1:27). Manusia dianugerahkan dengan akal budi, kebebasan dan hati nurani. Dari kenyataan ini mengalir satu kesudahan yang penting: manusia dipandu oleh hukum alam yang tertulis di hatinya (ruj. Rom 2:15; 7:23.). Hukum alam juga merupakan bentuk firman Tuhan. Ia menemukan pemenuhannya oleh hukum Injil yang diberikan oleh Yesus Kristus.
Gambar dan rupa Tuhan dalam diri manusia membolehkan mereka menemukan Dia dalam sejarah. Dua peristiwa sejarah yang dipilih di sini: (i) perjanjian Tuhan dengan Abraham, dan (ii) perjanjian-Nya dengan umat Israel (keturunan Abraham) diantarai melalui Musa. Peristiwa-peristiwa dalam sejarah merupakan pengalaman yang mengajar bagi Israel. Melaluinya, mereka menemui Tuhan berurusan dengan mereka dan melalui mereka dengan seluruh umat manusia. Dalam peristiwa bersejarah ini, Tuhan berkomunikasi dengan mereka dan menjemput mereka ke dalam suatu hubungan dengan Dia. Dalam hubungan ini Dia menjadikan mereka milik-Nya sendiri dan memilih untuk menjadi Tuhan mereka.
Untuk membantu umat-Nya memahami dengan sepenuh dan lebih jelas akan komunikasi kasih-Nya kepada mereka melalui peristiwa-peristiwa dalam sejarah, Tuhan memberi mereka nabi. Mereka ini adalah “juru bicara” Tuhan, pembawa firman Tuhan kepada umat-Nya. Nubuat kenabian adalah ungkapan manusia tetapi diilhami oleh firman Tuhan yang memanggil orang-orang kembali kepada hubungan berperjanjianan dengan-Nya. Ini menjelaskan makna penciptaan dan sejarah sebagai bentuk firman Tuhan. Ia mengungkapkan firman Tuhan dalam bahasa manusia.
Firman Menjadi Manusia, Disalibkan Dan Bangkit
Perjanjian Lama memberikan banyak bukti tentang firman Tuhan dikomunikasikan melalui penciptaan, (sejarah) peristiwa dan kata-kata manusia. Tapi semua ungkapan firman Tuhan yang berbeza ini adalah tidak lengkap dalam diri mereka sendiri. Mereka menemukan makna penuhnya hanya dalam Yesus Kristus, Firman Tuhan yang kekal menjadi manusia. Firman yang menjadi manusia adalah “belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dan secara manusiawi ketakjuban yang tak terbayangkan”, “firman muktamad yang Tuhan bicarakan kepada manusia” (VD 11). Dia adalah daya kesatuan dari semua kepelbagaian bentuk ungkapan atau makna dari firman Tuhan. “Dengan cara yang sempurna, Dia mendengar, menjelmakan dan menyampaikan kepada kita firman Tuhan” (VD 12).
Yesus, Firman Tuhan yang menjadi manusia, mengakhiri komunikasi-Nya kepada umat manusia pada saat kematian-Nya di kayu Salib. Di sana, Dia menyatakan segala sesuatu yang [Dia] harus beritahukan kepada kita. Di sana Dia “dinyatakan sebagai firman perjanjian baru dan abadi” (DV 12) dan menyempurnakan semua keselamatan muktamad kita. Setelah kematian-Nya di kayu Salib, Yesus bangkit dari antara orang mati. Ini adalah kemenangannya ke atas kematian. Kebangkitan-Nya “terjadi melalui daya kreatif dari firman Tuhan” (DV 13). Dengannya, ciptaan baru muncul.
Kematian Kristus di kayu Salib dan kebangkitan-Nya pada hari ketiga berlaku “menurut Kitab Suci”. Ini bermakna bahawa Kristus, Firman Tuhan yang menjadi manusia, disalibkan dan bangkit memenuhi seluruh Kitab Suci dan merangkumi semua erti yang berbeza dari firman Tuhan. Ini juga bermakna rencana Tuhan tentang keselamatan bagi semua umat manusia menjadi terpenuhi oleh Yesus Kristus.
Firman Dalam Tradisi Gereja Yang Hidup
Alkitab mendedahkan bahawa dalam pemenuhan rencana keselamatan ilahi, Roh Kudus sedang bekerja. Memang Roh Kudus hadir dalam sejarah keselamatan dan kehidupan Yesus – sejak Dia dikandung hingga kematian-Nya (DV 15). Sesungguhnya, adalah melalui Roh Kudus firman Tuhan dinyatakan dalam kata-kata manusia. Dia mengilhami penulis suci untuk menyatakan firman Tuhan dalam bentuk tulisan. Setelah kebangkitan-Nya, Kristus mengutus Roh Kudus ke atas para Rasul-Nya yang berkumpul dalam doa dengan Maria pada hari Pentekosta. Sebagai hasil dari pencurahan Roh kepada mereka, para Rasul ini diberi kuasa untuk melaksanakan misi yang telah diberikan oleh Kristus kepada mereka untuk memberitakan khabar baik tentang kerajaan Tuhan. Setia kepada Tuhan dan Guru mereka, mereka menyatakan apa yang mereka sendiri telah terima dari ajaran dan karya Kristus, dan sesungguhnya melalui jalan hidup-Nya. Melalui dorongan Roh Kudus, mereka juga mewartakan apa yang mereka fahami dari semua yang mereka terima dari Kristus. Melalui kuasa Roh Kudus, para Rasul menurunkan semua realiti yang mereka telah diterima melalui pewartaan lisan mereka, melalui teladan mereka dan dengan tata cara mereka. Apa yang mereka diwariskan melahirkan apa yang kita sebut Tradisi Gereja. Tradisi yang berasal dari para rasul ini dihidupkan oleh kuasa Roh Kudus. Ini adalah “penting untuk membolehkan Gereja untuk tumbuh melalui masa dalam pemahaman kebenaran yang dinyatakan dalam Kitab Suci” (VD 17). Konstitusi tentang Wahyu Ilahi menegaskan, “Dengan cara Tradisi yang sama, kanon penuh kitab suci diketahui oleh Gereja dan Kitab Suci sendiri lebih sungguh difahami dan secara terus-menerus dikesankan di dalam Gereja” (DV 8). Gesaan Apostolik meneruskan dengan menekankan pentingnya pengajaran dan latihan yang betul bagi Umat Tuhan “untuk mendekati Kitab Suci dalam hubungannya dengan Tradisi Gereja yang hidup dan untuk mengenali di dalamnya firman sebenar Tuhan” (VD 18).
Firman Tuhan mengambil berbagai bentuk ungkapan dalam Kitab Suci. Namun dalam analisis akhir Tuhan berbicara hanya satu Firman tunggal dalam Yesus Kristus. Di dalam Dia Tuhan menyatakan diri-Nya sepenuhnya kepada seluruh umat manusia. Di dalam Dia Tuhan mengundang setiap orang untuk bersekutu dengan diri-Nya. Oleh itu, di dalam Dia, adalah mungkin bagi setiap umat manusia untuk masuk ke dalam persekutuan dengan Tuhan dan berkongsi dalam hidup-Nya. Hari ini, Gereja meneruskan misi-Nya untuk mewartakan Firman Tuhan kepada seluruh umat manusia dan mengundang mereka untuk hidup bersekutu dengan Tuhan dan berkongsi dalam hidup-Nya.
Firman Tuhan yang satu dikomunikasikan dalam pelbagai bentuk yang dapat difahami olah semua manusia makhluk Tuhan yang diciptakan menurut gambar dan rupa-Nya. Dia menjadi manusia agar dapat memasuki persahabatan dengan seluruh umat manusia. Peranan Roh Kudus dalam semuanya ini harus diakui. Bahkan, hari ini, Firman Tuhan hidup di antara semua manusia melalui Roh Kudus dan terus diwartakan dalam dan oleh komuniti murid Yesus Kristus, Firman Tuhan yang menjadi manusia, disalibkan dan bangkit. Atas dasar ini, Verbum Domini secara yakin mengulangi apa ditegaskan oleh Dei Verbum: “Sesungguhnya, firman Tuhan diberikan kepada kita dalam Kitab Suci sebagai kesaksian terinspirasi akan wahyu; bersama-sama dengan Tradisi Gereja yang hidup, itu merupakan peraturan tertinggi dari iman”( VD 18; DV 21).
Dua soalan yang berikut adalah bertujuan untuk membantu pembaca untuk melakukan imbasan kembali Pesan Hari Minggu Alkitab.
- Selama berabad-abad Tuhan berbicara firman yang satu dalam banyak kata. Bagaimana Dia melakukannya?
- Firman yang satu yang diucapkan oleh Tuhan tidak mati, tetapi “hidup dan aktif” (Ibr 4:12) bahkan sampai ke hari ini dan sampai akhir zaman. Bagaimana?
2010 Bible Sunday Message
Making Sense of the Bible
Jesus: The Key to Understand Scripture
Seated in his chariot, [the Ethiopian eunuch] was reading the prophet Isaiah. The Spirit said to Philip, "Go and join up with that chariot." Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and said, "Do you understand what you are reading?" He replied, "How can I, unless someone guides me?" So he invited Philip to get in and sit with him.... Then Philip opened his mouth and, beginning with this scripture passage, he proclaimed Jesus to him. (Acts 8,28-32.35)
Anyone who is literate can read Scripture. He recognizes the alphabets that follow one after another in his reading, he knows the words that they form, he grasps the coherence of the sentences, but its meaning eludes him, and he does not really understand what he is reading. He needs a guide, an interpreter who will help him understand. The guide needs to point out to him the key to all genuine understanding of Scripture—Jesus.
In 2 Pet 3,15-18, Paul is said to have written under divine inspiration, according to the gift of wisdom given to him. As inspired authoritative writings, Paul’s letters rank alongside “the other scriptures,” i.e., the Old Testament and probably other apostolic literature. Like other scriptures, there are some things hard to understand in Paul’s writings. Erroneous comprehension of such difficult passages of Scripture could make one fall from the stability of faith into destruction. Hence, likewise, the letter urges its readers to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.”
The Bible is an ancient text. It is a testimony in history of God’s love and faithfulness to us. As such, the Bible has to be read by keeping in mind its historical aspect. History allows us to view the text in its distant ancient background, but at the same time it also requires us to be informed by the very historical milieu that the text itself depicts for us. There are differences sometimes in these two historical viewpoints. And such differences may make it difficult to ascertain the accurate meaning of a passage in the Bible.
Therefore, there are difficulties and dangers involved in reading the Bible, but knowing a few basic principles of reading it will help us greatly. When we are caught in such difficulties, we have to read the biblical text with a principle of charity. This principle of charity which helps in the accurate reading of the Bible does not mean showing sympathy and pity, but rather something more like generosity and patience towards the text. This principle of charity is set down by St. Augustine in his On Christian Doctrine (3.10.14), and it is based on the understanding that all Scripture, when correctly interpreted, conduces one to the love of God and neighbor.
In addition to the principle of charity, we should also adhere to the principle of gratitude. Gratitude is a fundamental aspect of Christian life and understanding. It is the vision that sees life as gift, the interior conviction that dispels doubt. If the principle of charity gives us the large-heartedness to embrace the most difficult passages of the Bible, the principle of gratitude gives us the warm-heartedness to draw grace from the very same passages. St. Paul himself exhorts us to apply this principle of gratitude to the things hard to understand in Scripture: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts... and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly... with gratitude in your hearts to God (Col 3,15-16).”
Scripture: The Inspired Word of God
Dei Verbum 9 states that “Sacred Scripture is the Word of God inasmuch as it is consigned to writing under the inspiration of the divine Spirit.” DV 12 goes on to say that “God speaks in Sacred Scripture through men in human fashion,” and it commissions the exegetes to work “toward a better understanding and explanation of the meaning of Sacred Scripture.” When applied to theology, DV 24 continues, “the Sacred Scriptures contain the Word of God and since they are inspired really are the Word of God; and so the study of the sacred page is, as it were, the soul of sacred theology.”
The crux of Sacred Scripture therefore lies in the inspiration of God, and to be exact, the prophetic inspiration that is always linked to revelation. The prophetic inspiration is essentially a counsel (confidential speech, secret advice) of God that is spoken privately to individuals, especially the wise and upright persons, those who walk in the fear of the Lord. For instance, Ps 25,14: “The secret of the Lord is for those who fear Him, and He will make them know His covenant”; Prov 3,32: “For the perverse man is an abomination to the Lord, but the upright are in his confidence”; Amos 3,7: “Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his counsel to his servants the prophets.”
When the private confidential speech is made known to the public, it becomes a revelation. In Sacred Scripture, the prophet first learns of the confidential speech of God in private, but later on he is sometimes commanded by God to reveal it to the public for their salvation (cf. Is 8,16; Dan 8,26; 12,4; Rev 10,4; 22,10). As revelation is decisive, obedience and receptivity in a decisive docility is demanded of the prophet. The prophet has to accept in obedience the revelation of God. Revelation and revered obedience then becomes a single unit, one truth. The revelation of God becomes a truth for human persons when it is received in complete docility. This truth becomes a truth, not because a human person discovers it, but because God reveals Himself for the good of the human person.
Meaningful Interpretation of Scripture
Since Scripture is inspired words, it requires interpretation, correct and meaningful interpretation. The fact that interpretation is needed in order to read Scripture meaningfully tells us that it is not a type of “literature” whose meaning comes naturally to us. For more than merely understanding the meaning of Scripture, we have to generate meaning from Scripture and allow Scripture to generate meaning for us. We have to make the words of God in Scripture our own words that can at the same time make sense to others.
Our task is two-fold simultaneously: i) we try to make sense of Scripture for ourselves so that it can make sense to others; and ii) we try to make sense for ourselves Scripture that is making sense to others.
We may portray this two-fold task of interpreting Scripture with the charts below:
The tasks of interpretation here at the core are the various attempts to overcome the distance between the different worlds. Since language is important in bridging this distance, we have to come to terms with the many levels of meaning and reality that the language speaks. For more than simply a collection of alphabets, words and sentences, language has the power to penetrate into, carry and communicate the real truth of things (cf. Gen 1,1-24: God creates the world with words; Is 55,10-11: God’s word must bring about fruition; Gen 27,1-40: The human word also has true power, once uttered it cannot be retracted). And as we see in the story of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8,27-35, words also lead one to encounter and establish an intimate relationship with God.
The Bible affirms itself as the words of God, words of truth for life. But the Bible is also an invitation to faith. For instance, Ps 34,9 says, “O taste and see that the Lord is good! Happy is the man who takes refuge in him!” Ps 119,103 says, “How sweet are thy words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” 1 Jn 1,3-4 expresses the significance of faith from another perspective, from the viewpoint of communion and joy, “that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you may have fellowship with us; and our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. And we are writing this that our joy may be complete.” The word “our” here expresses the spirit of communion, so that the joy of all of us who have come to faith may be complete.
Hence, the Bible can be meaningfully appreciated only in faith; especially faith lived in the ecclesial community and the light of the Spirit. Faith assumes a central role in the understanding of the inspired words of God. Faith is necessary for an accurate sense of the Bible.
Conclusion: “In Christ We Live...” (Acts 17,28)
In reading scriptural texts, we need to understand and apply what we read. Handling scriptural texts properly also prompts us to the aspects of inspiration, edification, and witnessing that heightens our being and wellbeing, as well as our mission before God’s word. Here we are required to sit at the feet of the Bible in humility and docility, waiting for its voice to speak to us, to nurture and enlighten us. The humility and docility needed in reading the Bible invites us to enter into a prayerful mood, such as during our daily quiet moments of prayer or during a retreat, to taste the sweetness of the words of God. This way of reading the Bible is the most personally uplifting one; and it is especially emphasized in the long contemplative heritage of the Church.
After all this talk about the Bible, we are now invited to read the Bible, to become familiar with it and enjoy its companionship. We don’t have to know and understand the Bible fully and completely, but we have to let the Bible nurture and nourish us, and show us the meaning of life. As we read the Bible, let us also be encouraged to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ (2 Pet 3,18),” for he is “truly the Son of God (Mk 15,39)”, “whom God appointed heir of all things, through whom He also created the world (Heb 1,2),” that believing in him we “may have life in his name (Jn 20,31).”
Rev. Fr. Thomas Chong S.J.
Regional Biblical Commission
Regional Biblical Commission
2009 Bible Sunday Message
A God Who Speaks
God is a God who speaks. How does he speak? We will look briefly at how he has spoken in the past, through various intermediaries and through his Son Jesus, who is pre-eminently the WOG. We will say something about how Jesus’ preaching is unique and how it is necessary to understanding the central Christian mystery: his passion, death and resurrection. Finally we will say something about how we continue to experience God speaking to us today through the medium of the written Word of God.
In times past
The first chapter of the Letter to the Hebrews reads:
In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the prophets; in these last days, he spoke to us through the Son (Heb 1:1-2).
At first glance this verse may not seem so remarkable until we try to appreciate its deeper significance. This can be illustrated by two quotes from the Psalms. Ps 50:1 says about the God of Israel:
The Lord, the God of gods, has spoken and summoned the earth
from the rising of the sun to its setting.
Ps 115:5 on the other hand has this to say about the gods of other nations:
Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands,
They have mouths but do not speak, eyes but do not see.
There is a clear contrast brought out here: the God of Israel who speaks and other gods of other nations that do not. And precisely because God is who he is, what he says is significant. When he speaks we do well to listen attentively.
God has spoken in the past through intermediaries, the prophets. A prophet can be described as someone who delivers a message from God, who speaks what God wishes him to speak. We are acquainted with the ministry of the prophets in the Old Testament. Moses, Samuel, Nathan, Elijah and Elisha, were prophets who preceded Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel in the period of the fall of Israel and Judah in 8th and 6th BCE. After the return from Exile it seems active prophecy began to gradually disappear from the religious scene of Israel.
In these last days
After hundreds of years of silence, John the Baptist ushered in a new period of prophetic activity. John is the new Elijah, the forerunner who prepares the way of the Lord. It is in this charged atmosphere of once again hearing God speak in an urgent and direct way to his people that “in these last days, God spoke to us through his Son,” as Jesus begins his public ministry. In the Gospel of Mark (Mk 1:14), we read:
Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the Gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel.”
This is the time of the preaching of the kingdom. It is a time of supreme importance for Jesus, as he himself says in Lk 4:18:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.
He is specifically anointed, set aside, chosen, for this very purpose. Preaching is in fact at the very heart of the mission of Jesus, as he says in Mark 1:38, in response to the appeal to stay on and continue healing the crowds gathered to see him. There is an urgency in his words.
Let us go on to the neighboring towns so that I may proclaim the message there also for that is what I came out to do.
The New American Bible translation renders it:
For this purpose I have come (that I may preach there also).
The Bible contains only two sentences of Jesus speaking in his first thirty years. From now on there will be an outpouring of words from the Word of God come in human flesh. It is a new kairos: a special time, God’s time breaking into human time.
The Uniqueness of the Jesus’ Preaching
What is it about the preaching of Jesus that puts it in a class all its own in comparison with those who also spoke God’s word before him?
· There is a difference in the way that the Word of God is introduced. The prophets begin their oracle with the introductory formula: Thus says the Lord; or the Oracle of the Lord (Isa 37:33). Jesus however boldly asserts: I say to you or Amen, Amen, I say to you (Mt 5:21-22). He speaks in the first person, with the authority of God himself. Indeed, he is speaking on His own account.
- Jesus’ shows his independence of any other authority. He puts himself above the Old Testament Scriptures. He does not just comment on spiritual matters like the scribes and the Pharisees. He even modifies and improves on the revealed word in Scripture: You have heard it said …... But I say to you (Mt 5:21).
- There is a note of authority evident to those who heard him speak. Those who saw him deliver a man with an evil spirit in a synagogue in Capernaum simply by his word exclaimed: a new teaching with authority (Mk 1:22). In John 7:46 the Temple guards marvel: No one ever spoke like this man.
- Yet he does not disregard what has been revealed previously. He maintains a continuity with what has gone before. At the Feast of Tabernacles, he remarked: My teaching is not my own but is from the one who sent me (Jn 7:16). In Jn 14:24, he says: The word you hear is not mine but that of the Father who sent me.
In short, there is a tension to be found in the teaching and preaching of Jesus!! On the one hand, he is like the prophets. On the other hand, he is above the prophets. In response to the Jews who ask: Are you the Messiah? Jesus replies: The Father and I are one (Jn 10:30). In Jesus, God speaks to us in person for the Son is himself God.
The Content of Jesus’ Preaching
Jesus’ preaching is also unique in its content: in the sense of the revelation Jesus brings to the whole plan of God. Jesus reveals the hidden depths of God. The mystery of the Trinity is not something we could have stumbled upon on our own. Jesus’ preaching is unique not only because it stands head and shoulders above the rest in terms of its depth and power. It is necessary in order to fully understand and appropriate the central act of all of Salvation History: the Paschal Mystery of the suffering, death, resurrection of Jesus and its implications for believers.
St Paul refers to the scandal of the cross (1Co 1: 23-24), a stumbling book for Jews and foolishness for Greeks. Without the revelation which Jesus’ preaching brings, the cross is simply a tragic end to the career of a good man who came up against the system and lost.
Consider the two bewildered disciples on that fateful Sunday morning making their way to Emmaus (Lk 24: 25-27). Jesus addresses the confusion of the two men about the events of his crucifixion and death by referring them back to Scripture:
Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke! Was it not necessary that the messiah should suffer these things and enter into his glory? Then beginning with Moses and the prophets, he interpreted to them what referred to him in all the SS.
These two disciples experience their hearts on fire as Jesus spoke to them and revealed to them the true reality behind the events of Good Friday. This experience culminates in their eyes being opened and recognising Jesus as he breaks bread with them at the evening meal.
The Extension of Christ’s Preaching in our Time
Thus far we have said something about the significance of preaching in the life of Jesus, its unique character and that he fulfills all the Scriptures that went before him. We are however just as concerned to understand and appreciate how the Scriptures (the Old Testament and now complemented by the New Testament) continue to be relevant in our time. How does God speak to us in our last times. As Jesus’ disciples, we want to continue to experience what his first disciples experienced in Lk 24:32:
Did not our hearts burn within us when he spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?
Heb 13:8 says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever. It is in the nature of God that he speaks and he continues to do so in our time. Indeed Heb 3:7 (echoing Ps 95:8) warns us: Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. Even today, God continues to speak in his Church and in his Son. How, we ask, can we listen to his voice today?
The canon of Scripture is closed with the death of the last Apostle. No more words of God! Divine revelation is closed. Dei Verbum 4 states that public revelation ended with the death of the Apostle John and we now await no further new public revelation before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ (1Ti 6:14 and Tit 2:13). Jesus is God’s FINAL Word.
Indeed, God does not say anything new regarding what he has already definitively said in Jesus. This does not mean that he no longer speaks. He is indeed forever repeating what he has already said in Jesus. The Word’s task in history is done with the Ascension. However, the Spirit is at work in that Word which lasts forever!
Though the grass withers and the flower wilts, the word of our God stands forever (Isa 40:8).
A privileged place where all this takes happens precisely when believers gather together for worship such that where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in your midst (Mt 18:20).
In the liturgy, the Church constantly recall Christ’s preaching throughout its different celebrations. Indeed the Liturgy of the Word is an integral part of the Mass. In the Liturgy of the Word, we have the actualisation of the preaching of Christ. Vatican II properly refers to the Mass as the source and the summit of the Church’s life (LG 11). It also has this to say about scripture in church use:
Christ is present in his word, since it is he himself who speaks when the Holy Scriptures are read in the church (LG 48).
Without the preaching of Jesus to illuminate it, our celebration of the Eucharist would be in grave danger of a lifeless ritualism that is unable to lift up our spirits to live out our vocation as sons and daughters of God. On the other hand, when the preaching of Jesus in the Liturgy of the Word has set our hearts alight, our experience of Eucharist is transformed. Then the Eucharist truly goes beyond mere evocation to become both renewal and anticipation.
The Word as a Sacrament of Encounter with God
In speaking of sacraments we distinguish between the visible sign and the inner reality that gives grace (efficacious saving action of God). The Word can be viewed a sacrament not in the sense of supplanting the definitive seven sacraments. Sacred Scripture may profitably be sacrament of the Word or word-sacrament, using the word sacrament in the extended sense.
This extended usage of the term sacrament can be seen when we refer to the Church as the universal sacrament of salvation (CCC 774–776). Referring to the Bible, the legible printed words are material signs (in the sense that the books of SS are a collection of dead syllables). However, with faith and illumination by the Spirit intervening, we enter into the contact with the living truth and the will of God.
As in the incarnation, Jesus hides in the lowliness of human flesh, so in Sacred Scripture, he hides under the lowliness of human language. In the Incarnation, Jesus hides under the veil of flesh. In the Eucharist, he hides under the veil of bread. In the words of Scripture, he hides under the veil of speech.
Naaman the Syrian (2Ki 5:12) asked if the rivers in Syria, the Abana and the Pharpar were not better than the river Jordan. To his question Could I not wash in them and be cleansed? the answer was emphatically No! Are there better books than some books in the Bible in the sense of more pleasant sounding, esthetically speaking? Sure! But none produces the effects the most modest of the inspired books produces!
The sacramental nature of the Word of God (i.e. power to confer grace) can be seen in the fact that it manifestly operates beyond the listener’s comprehension (which is limited and imperfect). It operates virtually on its own. There is a DISPROPORTION between the sign and the reality produced by it. The power inherent in the Word of God is not always self evident. It is a hidden but very real power.
Examples abound of the Word of God addressed to individuals. St Augustine read Ro 13:11-13 and came into contact with the grace of conversion freeing him from promiscuity. The word confronted him with the need to make a choice: flee immorality and take on the new life in Christ he had been delaying to embrace.
We encounter this when the priest on completing the Gospel, under his breath, intones:
May the words of the Holy Gospel wipe away our sin.
Also at the reception of communion, the communicant repeats the words of the centurion who sought healing for his servant:
Only say the Word and I shall be healed.
Let us therefore be open to the power inherent in the God speaking to us as we read Sacred Scripture and adore the mystery of God hidden in the Word.
At the End
Amid the many challenges Catholic Christians must face as followers of Jesus, we are sustained in our discipleship by our participation in the Table of the Word and the Table of the Eucharist. As we continue on our journey towards the Father, we take to heart the words of Jesus (Mt 4:4), echoing Dt 8:3, that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God
There will come a time we will not need Sacred Scripture anymore. We will have arrived at the end of our pilgrimage, at our Father’s house. There will be no need for any more signs, be they the seven sacraments or word sacraments. Hence Sacred Scripture will vanish away but will be replaced by seeing the Word of God himself, face to face, not as in a mirror darkly anymore (1Co 13:12). What a wonderful moment to anticipate!
In the meantime, as wayfarers and sojourners, let us allow God to speak to us. As God speaks, let us like the prophet Samuel eagerly and expectantly not allow one of his words to fall to the ground.
Speak, Lord, your servant is listening (1Sa 3:9)
We need to pray that even as he speaks (which is certain), we will be listening!
(Extracted from a talk given at Regional Biblical Commission Meet the People sessions and draws heavily from Father Raniero Cantalamessa’s book “The Mystery of God’s Word.”)
Questions for Reflection:
1. We understand that the age of biblical prophecy is over with the disclosure of Jesus, God's final Word. Does God still send us prophets to speak to his people today?
2. In what ways does God continue to speak to us in our time? Am I sensitive to his message addressed to me personally in the Liturgy of the Word at Sunday Mass?
3. The Latin dictum "Non nova sed nove" can be translated as "Not new things but in a new way." How can we apply this to God's way of speaking to us in the Scriptures today?
4. Have I ever experienced God speaking to me through my reading of the Bible? If so, were there any circumstances that made me open to hear him speak to me at that time?
5. "Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God"(Matt 4:4). Do I experience a real hunger and thirst for the Word of God to satisfy my deepest desires for truth and love?
2009 Bible Sunday Message (Bahasa Malaysia)
Tuhan Yang Berbicara
Tuhan adalah Tuhan yang berbicara. Bagaimanakah Dia berbicara? Dengan ringkas kita akan lihat bagaimana Dia telah berbicara di masa yang lampau melalui berbagai perantaraan dan melalui AnakNya Yesus, Firman Tuhan yang terunggul. Kita akan membicarakan sesuatu tentang bagaimana pewartaan Yesus adalah unik dan bagaimana ianya adalah perlu untuk memahami pusat misteri kristian: kesengsaraan, kematian dan kebangkitanNya. Akhir sekali kita akan berbicara sesuatu tentang bagaimana kita terus mengalami Tuhan berbicara kepada kita pada hari ini melalui Firman Tuhan yang tertulis.
Di masa yang lalu
Bab pertama surat kepada Ibrani mengatakan:
Pada masa yang lalu, Tuhan berbicara dalam pelbagai cara kepada nenek moyang kita melalui para nabi; tetapi akhirnya Dia berbicara kepada kita melalui AnakNya
(Ibr 1:1-2)
Dalam pandangan pertama ayat ini mungkin tidak begitu penting sehingga kita cuba menghargai signifikannya yang lebih dalam. Ini boleh diilustrasikan dengan dua petikan dari Mazmur. Mzm 50:1 mengatakan tentang Tuhan Israel:
Yang Mahakuasa, TUHAN Allah, berfirman dan memanggil bumi,
dari terbitnya matahari sampai kepada terbenamnya.
Pada masa yang sama Mzm 115:5 berkata tentang tuhan kepada bangsa lain:
Berhala-berhala mereka adalah perak dan emas, buatan tangan manusia,
mempunyai mulut, tetapi tidak dapat berkata-kata, mempunyai mata,
tetapi tidak dapat melihat,
Terdapat perbezaan yang jelas yang diketengahkan disini: Tuhan Israel yang berbicara dan tuhan kepada bangsa lain yang tidak berbicara. Tepat sekali sebab Tuhan adalah peribadi yang wujud, apa yang dikatakanNya adalah signifikan. Bila Dia berbicara, kita mendengar dengan penuh perhatian.
Tuhan telah berbicara di masa yang lalu melalui perantaraan para nabi. Seorang nabi boleh dikatakan sebagai seseorang yang menyampaikan pesan dari Tuhan yang berbicara apa yang Tuhan kehendaki dia sampaikan. Kita sudah mengenali dengan para nabi dalam Perjanjian Lama. Musa, Samuel, Natan, Eli dan Elisa adalah nabi-nabi sebelum Yesaya, Yeremiah, Yehezkiel semasa Israel dan Yehudah jatuh dalam tahun 8 dan 6 SM. Sesudah kembali dari perantauan seolah-olah pewartaan (nubuat) yang aktif perlahan-lahan lenyap dari pandangan keagamaan Israel.
Pada hari-hari yang terakhir ini
Setelah berdiam selama bebrapa ratus tahun, Yohanes Pembaptis telah mengiringi masuk ke dalam zaman aktiviti nubuat (pewartaan) yang baru. Yohanes adalah Elia yang baru, yang datang mendahului mempersiap jalan Tuhan. Dalam suasana inilah sekali lagi dorongan mendengar firman Tuhan merupakan satu cara yang mendesak dan terus kepada umat-Nya dimana “pada akhir zaman ini, Tuhan berfirman kepada kita melalui Anak-Nya,” ketika Yesus memulakan ministri-Nya secara umum.
Dalam Injil Markus 1:14), kita baca:
Yesus pergi ke Galilea dan mengishtiharkan Berita Baik daripada Allah. Dia berkata. “Masanya sudah tiba; tidak lama lagi Allah akan memerintah.” Bertaubatlah daripada dosa kamu dan percayalah kepada Berita Baik ini.!”
Inilah masanya untuk mewartakan Kerajaan Tuhan. Inilah masa yang terpenting sekali bagi Yesus sebab dalam Luk 4:18, Dia sendiri berkata:
Roh Tuhan ada pada-Ku, Dia telah mengurapi Aku untuk menyampaikan Khabar Baik kepada orang-orang miskin.
Secara khusus, Dia telah diurapi, dikhaskan, dipilih untuk tujuan ini. Sebenarnya Pewartaan adalah pusat misi Yesus seperti yang katakan-Nya dalam Markus 1:38 sebagai respon kepada rayuan untuk tinggal dan terus menyembuhkan orang banyak yang berkumpul untuk melihat Dia. Terdapat satu keperluan yang mendesak dalam kata-kata-Nya.
"Marilah kita pergi ke tempat lain, ke kota-kota yang berdekatan, supaya di sana juga Aku memberitakan Injil, kerana untuk itu Aku telah datang."
Terjemahan dalam Alkitab The New American mengatakan:
“Untuk tujuan inilah Aku datang (supaya Aku dapat memberitakan juga di sana)
Alkitab mengandungi dua ayat sahaja dimana Yesus berbicara dalam tiga puluh tahun yang pertama. Dari sekaramg dan seterusnya terdapat kata-kata yang mencurah-curah dari Firman Tuhan yang menjelma menjadi manusia. Ia adalah satu kairos yang baru; masa yang istimewa, masa Tuhan menembusi ke dalam masa manusia;
Keunikan Pengajaran Yesus
Tentang apakah pengajaran Yesus yang meletakkannya sendiri segala dalam satu kelas berbanding dengan mereka yang berbicara Firman Tuhan sebelum Dia?
- Terdapat suatu perbezaan sebagaimana Firman Tuhan itu diperkenalkan. Para nabi memulakan nubuat mereka dengan formula pengenalan: Sebab itu beginilah firman Tuhan atau Nubuat Tuhan (Yes 37:33). Bagaiamanpun Yesus dengan lantang menegaskan: Aku berkata kepadamu atau Amin, Amin Aku berkata kepadamu (Mat 5:21-22). Dia berbicara terus dari Diri-Nya sendiri dengan kuasa Tuhan sendiri. Sesungguhnya, Dia berbicara tentang Diri-Nya sendiri.
- Yesus menunjukkan kemandirian-Nya sendiri dan tidak bergantung kepada kuasa lain. Dia meletakkan Diri-Nya sendiri lebih tinggi dari Kitab Perjanjian Lama. Dia tidak hanya memberi komen tentang hal kerohanian seperti yang dilakukan oleh ahli-ahli Taurat dan Farisi. Malah Dia mengubahsuai dan memperbaiki firman yang diwahyukan dalam Kitab Suci: Kamu telah mendengar yang difirmankan ...... tetapi Aku berkata kepadamu (Mat 5:22).
- Terdapat suatu nota berkuasa yang jelas kepada mereka yang mendengar Dia berbicara. Mereka yang melihat Dia membebas seseorang dari roh jahat hanya dengan kata-kata-Nya didalam rumah Ibadat di Kapernaum, takjub dan mengatakan: “Satu ajaran baru dengan kuasa.” (Markus 1:21-28). Dalam Yohanes 7:46. pengawal rumah Ibadat takjub: “Belum pernah seorang manusia berkata seperti orang itu.”
- Namun Dia tidak membuang apa yang telah dinyatakan sebelum itu. Dia memelihara kesinambungan apa yang telah berlaku sebelum itu. Dalam perayaan Pondok Daun, Dia berkata: “: "Ajaran-Ku tidak berasal dari diri-Ku sendiri, tetapi dari Dia yang telah mengutus Aku.” Dalam Yoh 14:24, Dia berkata: “Firman yang kamu dengar itu bukanlah dari pada-Ku, melainkan dari Bapa yang mengutus Aku.”
Pendek kata, terdapat ketegangan yang ditemui didalam pengajaran dan pewartaan Yesus! Pada masa yang sama, Dia adalah sama seperti para nabi tetapi juga Dia lebih tinggi daripada para nabi. Dalam respon kepada orang-orang Yahudi yang bertanya: Apakah Engkau Mesias? Yesus menjawab: “Aku dan Bapa adalah satu" (Yoh 10:30). Dalam Yesus, Tuhan berbicara kepada kita sebagai peribadi kerana Anak itu adalah Tuhan sendiri.
Isi pengajaran Yesus
Isi pewartaan Yesus adalah juga unik dalam erti kata wahyu yang Yesus bawa kepada seluruh rencana Tuhan. Yesus menyatakan kedalaman Tuhan yang tersembunyi. Misteri Tritunggal bukanlah sesuatu yang kita fahami secara kebetulan pada diri kita sendiri. Pewartaan Yesus adalah unik bukan hanya kerana ia tinggi dalam hal kedalaman dan kuasa-Nya. Ini adalah perlu untuk dapat memahami sepenuhnya dan meletakkan sesuai dengan pusat tindakan segala sejarah penyelamatan: Misteri Paska kesengsaraan, kematian, kebangkitan Yesus dan implikasi terhadap umat beriman.
Sto. Paulus merujuk kepada pemberitaan Kristus yang disalibkan ( 1 Kor 1:23-24), satu batu sandungan bagi orang-orang Yahudi dan satu kebodohan bagi orang-orang Yunani.Tanpa wahyu yang dibawa oleh pewartaan Yesus maka salib itu hanya semata-mata suatu peristiwa yang menyedihkan terhadap karya seorang yang baik yang datang untuk menentang sistem dan yang tersesat.
Perhatikan dua orang murid yang binggung dalam perjalanan ke Emaus pada hari minggu pagi yang menyedihkan (Luk 24:25-27). Yesus menjelaskan kebinggungan kedua-dua orang itu tentang peristiwa penyaliban dan kematian-Nya dengan merujukkan mereka kembali kepada Kitab Suci:
"Hai kamu orang bodoh, betapa lambannya hatimu, sehingga kamu tidak percaya segala sesuatu, yang telah dikatakan para nabi! Bukankah Mesias harus menderita semuanya itu untuk masuk ke dalam kemuliaan-Nya?" Lalu Ia menjelaskan kepada mereka apa yang tertulis tentang Dia dalam seluruh Kitab Suci, mulai dari kitab-kitab Musa dan segala kitab nabi-nabi.
Kedua-dua murid ini mengalami hati yang berkobar-kobar semasa Yesus berbicara kepada mereka dan menyatakan kepada mereka realiti sebenarnya disebalik peristiwa Jumaat Agung. Pengalaman mereka ini memuncak bila mata mereka terbuka dan mengenali Yesus ketika Dia memecah roti bersama mereka pada waktu makan malam.
Kesinambungan pewartaan Yesus dalam zaman kita
Setakat ini kita sudah berbicara sesuatu tentang signifikan pengajaran didalam kehidupan Yesus, keunikan karakternya dan bahawa Dia telah menggenapi segala Kitab suci iaitu apa yang sudah berlaku sebelum-Nya. Namun kita mengambil berat untuk memahami dan menghargai bagaimana Kitab Suci (Perjanjian Lama dan sekarang dilengkapi oleh Perjanjian Baru) terus menjadi relevan pada hari ini. Bagaimana Tuhan berbicara kepada kita pada akhir zaman ini. Sebagai murid-murid Yesus, kita mahu terus mengalami apa yang dialami oleh murid-murid yang pertama (Luk 24:32)
"Bukankah hati kita berkobar-kobar, ketika Ia berbicara dengan kita di tengah jalan dan ketika Ia menerangkan Kitab Suci kepada kita?"
Ibrani 3:8 mengatakan bahawa “Yesus Kristus tetap sama, baik kelmarin mahupun pada har ini dan sampai selama-lamanya.” Inilah keadaan semulajadi Tuhan bahawa Dia berbicara dan terus berbuat demikian dalam zaman kita sekarang ini. Sesungguhnya Ibrani 3:7 (menggemakan Maz 95:8) memberi amaran kepada kita, “Pada hari ini, jika kamu mendengar suara-Nya, janganlah keraskan hatimu…” Bahkan pada hari ini, Tuhan terus berbicara dalam Gereja-Nya dan dalam Anak-Nya. Kita bertanya, bagaimana kita dapat mendengar suara-Nya pada hari ini?
Kanon Kitab Suci ditutup dengan kematian Rasul yang terakhir. Tidak ada lagi firman Tuhan! Wahyu Ilahi ditutup. Wahyu Ilahi 4 menyatakan bahawa Wahyu umum sudah berakhir dengan kematian Rasul Yohanes dan sekarang ini “dengan menantikan penggenapan pengharapan kita yang penuh bahagia dan penyataan kemuliaan Allah yang Mahabesar dan Juruselamat kita Yesus Kristus,” ( 1 Tim 6:14 dan Tit 2:13). Yesus adalah Firman Tuhan yang TERAKHIR.
Sesungguhnya, Tuhan tidak menyatakan apa-apa yang baru berkenaan dengan apa yang Dia sudah katakan secara muktamad dalam Yesus. Ini tidak bererti bahawa Dia tidak lagi berbicara. Dia memang berulang-ulang berbicara apa yang Dia sudah katakan dalam Yesus sampai selama-lamanya. Tugas Firman dalam sejarah sudah dilaksanakan dengan pengangkatan-Nya ke syurga. Namun, Roh Tuhan bekerja dalam Firman itu sampai selama-lamanya!
Rumput menjadi kering, bunga menjadi layu, tetapi firman Allah kita tetap untuk selama-lamanya." (Yes 40:8)
Tempat yang istimewa dimana semuanya ini berlaku ialah bila umat beriman berkumpul bersama untuk menyembah seperti apa yang dikatakan “di mana dua atau tiga orang berkumpul dalam Nama-Ku, di situ Aku ada di tengah-tengah mereka." (Mat 18:20)
Dalam liturgi. Gereja terus menerus mengingatkan kembali pewartaan Yesus dalam seluruh perayaan-perayaan yang berbeza. Sesungguhnya, Liturgi Sabda adalah bahagian penting dalam Misa Kudus. Dalam Liturgi Sabda, pewartaan Kristus diaktualisasikan. Konsili Vatikan dengan rapi merujuk kepada Misa Kudus sebagai,“sumber dan puncak kehidupan Gereja“ (LG 11). Ia juga berbicara tentang kegunaan Kitab Suci dalam Gereja:
“Kristus hadir dalam sabda-Nya, sebab Ia sendiri bersabda bila Kitab suci dibacakan dalam Gereja.“ (LG 48 dan KL 7)
Tanpa pewartaan Yesus yang meneranginya, perayaan ekaristi berada dalam keadaan bahaya menjadi upacara yang mati iaitu tidak berupaya mengangkat semangat kita untuk menghidupi panggilan kita sebagai anak-anak Tuhan. Pada masa yang sama, bila pewartaan Yesus didalam Liturgi Sabda telah mengangkat hati kita bersinar maka pengalaman kita terhadap Ekaristi berubah. Ekaristi benar-benar lebih daripada hanya membangkit kenangan tetapi menjadi pembaharuan dan pengharapan.
Firman sebagai Sakramen pertemuan dengan Tuhan
Berbicara tentang Sakramen, kita membezakan diantara tanda yang kelihatan dan realiti yang tersembunyi yang memberi rahmat (kuasa aksi penyelamatan Tuhan). Firman boleh dilihat satu sakramen bukan dalam erti pengganti kepada tujuh sakramen yang definitif. Kitab Suci mungkin dapat menghasil sakramen dari firman atau firman-sakramen, menggunakan firman- sakramen dalam erti yang luas.
Penggunaan istilah sakramen yang diperluaskan boleh dilihat bila kita merujuk kepada Gereja sebagai sakramen penyelamatan sejagat (KGK 774-776). Merujuk kepada Kitab Suci, cetakan kata-kata yang boleh dibaca adalah tanda material (dalam erti kata Kitab Suci adalah kumpulan suku katayang mati). Namun, dengan iman dan campurtangan dari terang Roh Kudus, kita masuk kedalam hubungan dengan kebenaran yang hidup dan kehendak Tuhan.
Seperti didalam inkarnasi, Yesus bersembunyi dibawah kerendahan daging manusia, demikian juga dalam Kitab Suci, Dia bersembunyi disebalik bahasa manusia. Didalam inkarnasi, Dia bersembunyi disebalik daging. Dalam Ekaristi, Dia bersembunyi disebalik roti. Dalam kitab Suci, Dia bersembunyi disebalik kata-kata.
Namaan dari Siria (2 Raj 5:12) bertanya jika sungai di Siria, Abana dan Pharpar lebih baik dari sungai Yordan. Pertanyaannya ini, Bolehkah saya disembuhkan jika saya tidak membasuhkan didalamnya? Dengan tegas jawabannya tidak! Adakah buku yang lebih baik dari beberapa buku didalam Kitab Suci dalam erti kata bunyi yang lebih sopan, berbicara secara estetik. Pasti! Tetapi tidak ada yang menghasilkan kesan yang paling sederhana berbanding dengan hasil dari buku yang diilhami.
Keadaan semulajadi firman Tuhan yang sakramental (i.e. kuasa memberi rahmat) boleh dilihat dalam fakta bahawa ia jelas beroperasi lebih dari pemahaman para pendengar (yang terbatas dan tidak sempurna). Pada hakikatnya ia sendiri beroperasi. Terdapat KETIDAKSEIMBANGAN diantara tanda dan realiti yang dihasilkan olehnya. Kuasa yang sedia wujud didalam Firman Tuhan selalunya tidak jelas. Ia tersembunyi tetapi kuasa yang sungguh benar.
Banyak contoh dimana Firman Tuhan ditujukan kepada individu-individu. Sto. Agustinus membaca Rm 13:11-13 dan menemukan rahmat pertaubatan yang membebaskannya dari kekacauan. Firman Tuhan menegurnya untuk membuat pilihan: melarikan diri dari hidup yang tidak bermoral dan mengambil kehidupan baru dalam Kristus.
Kita menemukan ini bila paderi mengakhiri Injil dengan berkata:
Semoga Injil mengampuni dosa kami.
Juga semasa penerimaan komuni, para penerima komuni mengulangi kata-kata ketua pengawal yang merayu agar hambanya disembuhkan:
Bersabdalah ya Tuhan maka saya akan disembuhkan.
Oleh itu, marilah kita terbuka kepada kuasa yang sedia ada dalam Tuhan yang berbicara kepada
kita semasa kita membaca Kitab Suci dan menyembah misteri Tuhan yang tersembunyi didalam Firman.
Pada Akhir
Ditengah-tengah cabaran-cabaran Kristian Katolik yang harus dihadapi sebagai pengikut-pengikut Yesus, kita dapat ditopang sebagai murid dengan mengambil bahagian dalam Meja Firman dan Meja Ekaristi. Dalam meneruskan perjalanan kita menuju kepada Bapa, kita ambil Firman Yesus dan menyimpan dalam hati kita (Mat 4:4), menggemakan (Ul 8:3), manusia tidak hanya hidup dari roti sahaja tetapi dari setiap firman yang keluar dari mulut Tuhan.
Masa akan tiba dimana kita tidak lagi memrlukan Kitab Suci. Kita akan tiba di penghujung ziarah di rumah Bapa kita. Tanda-tanda apa pun tidak lagi diperlukan, walau dengan tujuh sakramen dari firman-sakramen. Oleh itu, Kitab Suci akan lenyap tetapi akan diganti dengan melihat Firman Tuhan sendiri, bersemuka bukan lagi sebagai cermin yang gelap ( 1Kor 13:12). Betapa indah saat yang diharapkan!
Sementara itu, sebagai peziarah mari kita benarkan Tuhan berbicara kepada kita. Bila Tuhan berbicara, marilah kita seperti nabi Samuel yang sungguh berminat dan berharap dimana dia tidak membenarkan walau satu pun Firman-Nya jatuh ke tanah.
“Berbicaralah ya Tuhan, hamba-Mu mendengarkan” (1 Sam 3:9)
Kita perlu berdoa agar semakin Dia berbicara (yang mana pasti) kita akan mendengar!
(Dikutip dari ceramah yang diberikan oleh Komisi Alkitab Serantau semasa sesi bersama umat dan sebahagiannya diambil dari buku Father Raniero Cantalamessa “ Misteri Firman Tuhan”)
Soalan untuk refleksi:
1. Kita faham bahawa zaman nubuat Kitab Suci sudah berlalu dengan pernyataan Yesus, Firman Tuhan yang terakhir. Apakah Tuhan masih mengutus para nabi untuk berbicara kepada umat-Nya pada hari ini?
2. Dalam cara apakah Tuhan terus berbicara kepada kita pada masa kini? Apakah saya peka terhadap pesan-Nya yang ditujukan kepada saya secara peribadi didalam Liturgi Sabda dalam Misa Kudus pada hari minggu?
3.Kata latin dictum “Non nova sed nove” boleh diterjemahkan sebagai “Bukan perkara-perkara baru tetapi dalam suatu cara yang baru.” Bagaimana kita gunakan ini terhadap cara Tuhan berbicara kepada kita di dalam Kitab Suci pada hari ini?
4. Pernahkah saya mengalami Tuhan berbicara melalui pembacaan Kitab Suci? Jika ya, adakah terdapat keadaan yang membuat saya terbuka untuk mendengar Dia bila Dia berbicara kepada saya pada masa itu?
5. “Manusia tidak hanya hidup dengan roti sahaja tetapi dari setiap firman yang keluar dari mulut Tuhan” (Mat 4:4). Apakah saya benar-benar mengalami kelaparan dan kehausan akan Firman Tuhan untuk memuaskan keinginan saya yang mendalam terhadap kebenaran dan cinta kasih?
Bible Sunday Message 2007
Bible Sunday Message 2007
Disciples: Lambs Among Wolves
As we celebrate Bible Sunday this year, we are confronted with the unusual words of Jesus to his disciples as he sends them out on mission – “I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.”(Lk 10:3) Surely any sane shepherd would want to protect his flock from wolves and not send them into direct danger! Jesus, the Good Shepherd, seems to be deliberately asking for trouble! The added problem is that we, his lambs, are going to be the ones in trouble!
What does it mean to be lambs among wolves? What are the dangers that we might face in the “big bad world”? We might face apathy, total disregard or even opposition to the Good News. Certainly there will be persecutions, either of the subtle kind but perhaps also more directly because of the faith we profess or the truth we stand for. What is more, we might even be seduced by the ways of the world that we lose our true identity as followers of Jesus and instead follow the world’s ways. The lambs might find themselves resembling the wolves they have been warned against! As disciples, we are called to listen to his voice and to follow the Shepherd (Jn 10:27), and have him as our model in every move and step.
Nevertheless, Jesus seems to be comfortable with the dangerous situation he puts us in. Obviously, he has trust and confidence in us …and himself! The good shepherd continues to guide and lead his lambs through the valley of darkness with his assuring crook and staff (Ps
23:4) just as he has promised to be with them always, "yes to the end of time" (Matt 28:20; Mk 16:20). He knows that when we are aware of our fears and vulnerability in the face of the dangers, we are then also aware of our need for God and will then learn to rely on Him all the more. Our protection is in the relationship we have with Jesus. Clinging on to him and relying on him, we cannot fail, even in the most difficult situations. His grace is indeed sufficient! (2Cor 12:9) The inward strength the Shepherd gives is sufficient to overcome the outward threat of the wolves or any other danger. Nevertheless, it is still rather scary to go out to the mission, especially when he seems to want us to go virtually empty-handed, with the barest of possessions – again another lesson in trusting Divine Providence, instead of our own abilities or the things and tools that we might possess.
23:4) just as he has promised to be with them always, "yes to the end of time" (Matt 28:20; Mk 16:20). He knows that when we are aware of our fears and vulnerability in the face of the dangers, we are then also aware of our need for God and will then learn to rely on Him all the more. Our protection is in the relationship we have with Jesus. Clinging on to him and relying on him, we cannot fail, even in the most difficult situations. His grace is indeed sufficient! (2Cor 12:9) The inward strength the Shepherd gives is sufficient to overcome the outward threat of the wolves or any other danger. Nevertheless, it is still rather scary to go out to the mission, especially when he seems to want us to go virtually empty-handed, with the barest of possessions – again another lesson in trusting Divine Providence, instead of our own abilities or the things and tools that we might possess.
Today’s world may seem to be interested solely in the material aspects of our lives and yet deep down in many, the rat race seems to have exposed a deeper hunger that the world and its attractions do not satisfy. People are hungry for authentic spirituality that sadly, organized religion has sometimes failed to deliver. “The harvest is rich indeed, yet the labourers are few” (Lk 10:2), perhaps because we disciples have not been fully aware or convinced of our mission. Surely we must reach out to those who are hungry for nourishment. Perhaps we need to remind ourselves that “Human beings live not on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Mt 4:4/Dt 8:3) As Christians we must share the Good News we have received.
Yet, before we can actually share the Good News, we must ensure that we actually have encountered it ourselves. We ourselves need to listen to the voice of the Lord in the scriptures - not just using our minds but also our hearts. “Let the Word of Christ, in all its richness, find a home with you.” (Col 3:16) Mere hearing or reading the Word is not enough, we need to truly listen inwardly, assimilate and then live out the Word in our everyday lives, not just keep it for Sundays. We need to have perseverance as we pray through his Word, and allow it to touch every aspect of our lives. Like Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, we disciples need to sit daily at the feet of Jesus as we absorb his Word. (Lk 10:39) We must become intimately familiar with the Word so that it ‘soaks’ into us.
Having listened to the Word, we then need to “be doers of the Word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves” (James 1:22) – becoming more and more persons of integrity who live out our faith, who stand up for truth and justice and who are involved in the lives of others. Only by seeing our faith in action will others be convinced of the power of the Word. His Word is truly life-changing – “it is active and alive and more powerful than any double-edged sword.” (Heb 4:12) Armed with the Lord's Word, we, the lambs, will have no fear of the wolves among whom we are sent.
May we be led forth in joy as we labour together with the Lord of the harvest,
allowing His Word to be a lamp for our feet and a light on our path. (cf Ps 119:105)
Pesan Minggu Alkitab 2007
Murid-murid: Domba Ditengah Serigala
Walaubagaimanapun, Yesus seolah-olah selesa dengan situasi bahaya di tempat kita berada. Jelas bahawa Dia menpunyai kepercayaan dan keyakinan kepada kita…… dan Diri-Nya sendiri! Gembala baik terus menuntun dan memimpin domba-domba-Nya melalui lembah yang gelap dengan gada dan tongkat-Nya (Mzm 23:4) seperti yang dijanjikan-Nya untuk menyertai mereka senantiasa sampai akhir zaman. (Mat 28:20; Mk 16:20) Dia tahu bahawa bila kita sedar akan ketakutan kita dan mudah binasa di dalam menghadapi bahaya, kita juga sedar bahawa kita perlukan Tuhan dan dengan demikian kita belajar untuk lebih bergantung kepada-Nya. Perlindungan kita terletak dalam relasi kita yang ada dengan Yesus. Kita tidak gagal bila kita berpegang dan bergantung kepada-Nya walau dalam apa pun situasi yang paling bahaya. Sesungguhnya rahmat-Nya adalah mencukupi ( 2 Kor 19:9). Kekuatan dalaman yang diberi oleh Gembala adalah mencukupi untuk mengatasi ancaman luar dari serigala-serigala atau apa pun bahaya. Namun, masih ada yang menakutkan dalam melaksanakan misi terutamanya bila kita disuruh untuk pergi dengan tangan kosong, tanpa apa-apa pun – sekali lagi ini adalah satu pengajaran dalam mempercayai perlindungan Tuhan walaupun kita ada kebolehan-kebolehan atau benda-benda dan alat-alat yang mungkin kita miliki.
Nampaknya, dunia masa kini semata-mata lebih berminat di dalam aspek material kehidupan kita. Namun dalam jiwa bagi kebanyakan orang, perlumbaan mengejar darjat telah mendedahkan kelaparan yang mendalam yang mana dunia dan daya tarikannya tidak dapat memberi kepuasan. Kebanyakan orang lapar akan kerohanian yang mendalam namun yang menyedihkan agama yang teratur gagal untuk memenuhinya. “Sesungguhnya tuaian memang banyak tetapi pekerja sedikit sahaja” (Lk 10:2). Mungkin ini disebabkan kita murid-murid tidak sedar dan yakin sepenuhnya dengan misi kita. Yang pasti kita harus menjangkau mereka yang lapar. Kita perlu mengingatkan diri kita bahawa “manusia bukan sahaja hidup dengan roti tetapi dengan setiap firman yang keluar dari mulut Tuhan” (Mt 4:4 / Ul 8:3). Sebagai kristian kita mesti mengongsikan Khabar Gembira yang telah kita terima.
Setelah mendengar Firman, kita perlulah menjadi “pelaku Firman dan bukan hanya pendengar sahaja sebab jika tidak demikian kita menipu diri sendiri.” (Yak 1:22) – kita menjadi orang yang memiliki integriti dalam menghidupi iman kita, menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan dan yang terlibat di dalam kehidupan orang lain. Hanya dengan melihat iman kita yang bertindak maka orang lain mendapat keyakinan akan kuasa Firman Tuhan. Firman-Nya adalah benar-benar mengubah-hidup – “Firman Tuhan hidup dan kuat dan lebih tajam dari pada pedang bermata dua mana pun” (Ibr 4:12). Bersenjatakan dengan Firman Tuhan, kita, domba-domba tidak akan takut biar pun kita diutus di tengah-tengah serigala.
Semoga kita dituntun dalam kegembiraan ketika kita bekerjasama dengan Tuhan kepada tuaian, membenarkan Firman-Nya menjadi pelita bagi kaki kita dan terang bagi jalan kita. (rujuk Mzm 119:105)
Bible Sunday Message 2006
The Changeless Word In A Changing World
How does the Word of God present itself in all these? What does the Church offer us in the wake of a world that seems to offer no stability?
The Letter to the Hebrews reminds us: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever. Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings…” (Hebrews 13:8-9a)
Here, we are reminded that the Word of God provides real and concrete direction for those genuinely seeking the truth. The Word of God, as taught by Christ and entrusted to the Church, is unchanging and constant.
To be relevant and alive, the teaching of Jesus in the Scriptures requires application to every age and culture. Application must obviously take into serious account the situation of the day. Unfortunately, however, the application at times creates a problem when it yields to arbitrary or distorted interpretation. The practice of faith is affected by such interpretation. Fidelity to its literal sense is a requirement in the process of the application of a particular text of Scripture. The sense of the text does not change; its application does. The overall message of the Scriptures – that is, the scheme of salvation planned by God and implemented by Jesus Christ – does not change.
Since Christ is unchanging and his law still binding, it behooves us to uphold and live out what he has commanded. In our lives, we need to witness to the death and resurrection of Christ. We need to show in our own lives the reality that the message of Christ still rings true today, as it did in the years before us. The world may change, but the Word remains changeless. ‘Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away’. (Matthew 24:35). Truly, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever
Pesan Minggu Alkitab 2006
Firman Tetap Tidak Berubah Di Dunia Yang Berubah
Terdapat banyak kemunculan “penafsiran semula” akan ajaran-ajaran Kitab Suci tentang dosa manusia, ketuhanan Yesus dan kebenaran tentang kebangkitan-Nya dari kematian. Diatas semuanya itu, terdapat pertumbuhan yang cepat tentang penolakan terhadap Tuhan dan Kristus dan mahu kembali kepada ilmu sihir (bomoh) dan penyembahan berhala-berhala yang sering dilihat sebagai “kerohanian yang terbaru.”
Bagaimana Firman Tuhan menghadirkan diri dalam segala hal ini? Apakah yang dapat ditawarkan oleh Gereja kepada kita dalam dunia sekarang yang tidak memberi jaminan kestabilan?
Surat kepada Ibrani mengingatkan kita: “Yesus tetap sama, baik kelmarin mahupun hari ini dan sampai selama-lamanya. Janganlah kamu disesatkan oleh berbagai-bagai ajaran asing…….” (Ibr 13:8-9a).
Disini, kita diingatkan bahawa Firman Tuhan menyediakan halatuju yang benar dan padu bagi mereka yang benar-benar mencari kebenaran. Firman Tuhan sepertimana yang diajar oleh Kristus dan diserahkan kepada Gereja adalah tidak berubah dan tidak berkesudahan.
Untuk menjadi relevan dan hidup, ajaran Yesus dalam Kitab Suci menuntut supaya ianya diaplikasi pada setiap zaman dan budaya. Aplikasi hendaklah jelas mengambil kira dengan serius situasi masa kini. Bagaimanapun, malangnya aplikasi pada masa-masa tertentu mengujudkan masalah bila ia menimbulkan tafsiran yang rambang dan kebenarannya diputarbelitkan. Tafsiran seperti ini mempengaruhi amalan iman yang betul. Kesetiaan kepada erti katanya adalah satu tuntutan didalam proses mengaplikasikan teks tertentu didalam Kitab Suci. Pengertian teks tidak berubah tetapi aplikasinya berubah. Keseluruhan pesan Kitab Suci iaitu skema rencana penyelamatan dan implementasinya oleh Yesus Kristus – tidak berubah.
Kerana Kristus tidak akan berubah dan perintah-Nya menyatukan kita maka ianya memberi keuntungan kepada kita untuk terus berpegang dan melakukan apa yang diperintahkan-Nya. Dalam hidup ini, kita perlu bersaksi kepada kematian dan kebangkitan Kristus. Kita perlu nyatakan dalam hidup kita sendiri akan pesan Kristus yang masih bergema sehingga pada hari ini seperti yang terjadi bertahun-tahun sebelum kita. Dunia ini akan berubah tetapi Firman tetap tidak berubah. “Langit dan bumi akan berlalu, tetapi perkataanKu tidak akan berlalu.” (Matius 24:35). Sesungguhnya, Yesus Kristus tetap sama, baik kelmarin mahupun hari ini dan sampai selama-lamanya.