Monday, 2 February 2015

Recognising Christ in the Community - Lent 2015

This Lenten video programme, entitled Faithful Recognition, provides a bridge between the Last Judgement of St. Matthew’s Gospel (25:31-46), and the 2015 Lenten theme of Recognising Christ in the Community. This short video enables us to reect on the Gospel passage in the context of some of our Malaysian realities.
It is intended to promote reection and discussion in order to better understand the signicance of Lent and our Lenten practices. The desired outcome of this 10-minute video is that we realise that our Lenten practices should have a community perspective, and be related to concretely addressing our social and cultural realities. In this way, we actively contribute to building the Kingdom of God in our local communities. This video is specially prepared for viewing by individuals, families, BECs,groups, ministries and organisations. Running time: 7mins