15th March 2016 Fifth Week of Lent Tuesday
John 8. 21-30
“God’s proof of love”
The Pharisees failed to understand Jesus because their hearts were hardened. They missed the opportunity to enter into the mystery of the cross and experience God’s ultimate proof of love for humanity.
As Holy Week draws near, what does the cross mean for me?
15-3-16 四旬期第五周星期二
若8. 21-30
15 hb Mac 2016 Minggu Prapaskah Kelima Selasa
Yohannes 8. 21-30
“Bukti cintakasih Tuhan “
Orang-orang farisi gagal memahami Yesus kerana hati mereka keras. Mereka terlepas peluang untuk memasuki misteri salib dan mengalami bukti nyata Kasih Tuhan terhadap manusia.
Dalam penantian Minggu Suci yang semakin hampir, apakah makna Salib bagi saya?
Ari Dua Minggu Lent Ke-Lima.
John 8.21-30
"Kelai Pengerindu Tuhan"
Urang Farisi enda ulih mereti ka pesan Jesus ketegal ati ti sumbong. Sida terlepas peluang tama kedalam misteria Regang alu ngasai ka Kelai Pengerindu Tuhan ngagai semua mensia.
Acknowledgment: Reflections are based on “Prayer for Living: The Word of God for Daily Prayer Year C” by Sr. Sandra Seow FMVD.