A meeting of the Regional Biblical Commission of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, (RBC-CBCMSB or RBC) was held recently in Sibu, East Malaysia on the 2nd and 3rd of February, 2011. During the meeting, various suggestions were made by the members on the subject of the use of the internet in the biblical apostolate in our region.
The consensus arrived at was that at this point in time, a blog would be the most appropriate vehicle to be adopted as an initial step. As a start, it would fulfill the fairly modest goal of constituting an archive of past contributions by the RBC e.g. in terms of former Bible Sunday messages. In addition it could also provide information on current initiatives being carried out by the RBC such as the Bible Course for the Laity (BCL) being conducted in several dioceses in the region.
Further extensions of this RBC internet initiative would depend on the experience gained in the early stages and the expertise available to the members to assist in the project.